Monday, January 28, 2008

Dead Guys, Living Theology
"I have lived nearly sixty years with myself and my own century and am not so enamoured of either as to desire no glimpse of a world beyond them." C.S. Lewis

One of my good friends and colleagues has begun planning for a local DTS. You've heard of them, Dead Theologian's Societies...

Some are boring and crusty, with a bunch of dry references, and twenty pounds of Historical paperwork.

What if?

What if someone were to create a LIVING DTS? One that (as my Mum says) "practices its Liturgy?"
This means actively engaging the Community, applying what we learn, challenging one another: all the stuff we talk about, and never do.

We're going to give it a try, so...

Keep us in your prayers, & I'll keep you updated.

Long live the Venerable Dead! ... Semper Reforandum!

(If you didn't get it, read some of my earlier articles. Wouldn't hurt to go to DeadTheologians either, although I didn't ask them if I could link to them.)


Jared Nelson said...

Thanks for the link! There are certainly many practices of the venerable dead which we do not practice to our great shame

If he starts a DTS, he should start a communal blog for their thoughts, that's how our blog started, though our group broke up when I moved to Texas. So sad.

Anonymous said...

May God grant wisdom by the works of his mighty prophets whom we acknowledge as "Dead Theologians". Though they had not a new revelation, they revealed the mind of JEHOVAH God by the means he deemed nesessary, his Word. We shall change and grow by the meat of his truth, but I thank God that we may witness the completed growth of these Saints he so graciously empowered. I am motivated by the upmost, that we may live his doctrine. I thank ye, and glory be to God, Amen.