Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Mouthful
Comfort, Coffee, and Trends in Society

In a staff-meeting this morning, my Bishop and I were discussing Church History, and trends in humanity; bouncing off of subjects ranging from Martin Luther to Sigmund Freud.

We were (a bit laughingly) pointing out the obvious disparities associated with premillennialism and various "rapture" conjectures. After some moments of conversation (and addicted slurps of steaming joe), we narrowed our "theory" down to three points.

These three points are meant to represent the popular (or constant) trend(s) of society and humankind in general, and they are meant in opposition to the idea that things are getting "worse and worse."

The Great Constant Theory:

1. There are the unconverted, who are (like all men) equally and radically depraved. This group will always hate God, and - therefore - will always be in opposition (though not always direct) to the second group,

2. These are the converted. The elect, who will do two things:

A. Serve God / usher in the Kingdom, &

B. Gripe about the rest of the world.

3. There will always be (until the Consummation of all things) friction between the two groups (sort of like a spiritual Marxist theory: The Bourgeoise will always step on the Proletariat; Proletariat will always fight to become the Bourgeoise).

Thus, for some (specifically after an upsurge in spiritual matters, what some might call a "revival"), times may appear "worse" but this is only because they are comparing them to a time when the lost (widescale) attempted to justify themselves via personal-righteousness, or were strongarmed into something religious by the religious.

For instance, some will complain about the evil age we live in now, compared to...when? Compared to the Great Awakening? Sure...ok.

But go back to the pre-Awakening period: worse than today. Head back further to Roman times, when the Apostles were teaching; Christians were being burned at the stake, and Roman orgies were common in the streets.

Times are certainly better when contrasted to scenes like this one.

So the truth dawns: History is in flux.

One minute things look peachy, the next: mayhem.

This is because of the Spriritual warfare going on. The three points that will always bring about this result are true. For us, this is good news. It means a no-show for the "ANTI-CHRIST." There have always been and will always be Anti-Christs in the world.
Let's get busy doing what the 2nd group ought to do.

So what does all of this have to do with Lewis and Freud?

No clue.

I started out using them as subject matter, mostly because I just wanted to use a picture of Lewis.

You'll get over it.