Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Reasoning of Evangelical America

I'll admit it upfront: I am not what we might consider a modern "evangelical." This means that you probably won't find me pounding on your door on any given day, to instruct you to pray the Roman's Road Prayer. (Doesn't mean, however, that I don't believe in being a witness.)
The situation in my mind is - however - one that concerns the inconsistencies in Evangelical Theology. The problem lies when they try to cross over from (abstract) Theology into (corporeal) Practicality.
Here's a for-instance or two...

Evangelical: "Jesus is coming soon."
Me: "Bet you invested in your company 401k."

Evangelical: "The end is near."
Me: "Planning for your child's college? Bet so."

Evangelical: "The Signs of the Times are everywhere. We should be ready."
Me: "Been out to eat lately?"

Evangelical: "He is at hand!"
Me: "Re-roofing your house, eh?"

In otherwords - The Premillenialist philosophy (theology) says one thing, and practically, they do another; because it simply wouldn't be reasonable or comfortable to live as if tomorrow, the Antichrist were coming.
My temptation was to stop writing leave the hypocrisy splayed wide open, and point the righteous finger at the Evangelical world, however, I would not be doing my duty as an honest theologian if I did.
Therefore I must confess that the hypocrisy is not one-sided. Amillinial proponents (as well as us Posts) often run a-foul of this sort of hypocrisy as well.
In our case, it is the reverse:

We say: "Usher in the Kingdom."
Problem: We live like Premillenialists.

We say: "The Golden Age is dawning."
Problem: We could care less about Dominion.

Ultimately, the situation looks like this: The Premils ought to either act on their end-times doom and gloom, or change their theology to match ours.
And we ought to either change our theology (which we shouldn't), or we ought to begin to live with Dominion in mind. This means taking a fresh look at how we live, how we work, how (and why) we water our yards and rake our leaves.

The Scriptures say: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion..."
We say: "It's time to get to work."

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