Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A General Rant On Postmodernism

Every good discussion on Postmodernism ought to begin with the question; what is Postmodernism? Not because we assume others are ignorant of its definition (they often are), but because it stands to good reason to discuss something on an understood basis, where the definitions are laid out beforehand.
Postmodernism is a cultural worldview that defines much of our society. And while Postmodernism espouses the importance of spirituality, it combines this value with those of pluralism, the experiential, relativity, altruism, community, creativity, the arts, environmentalism, globality, holism, and authenticity.
Many Christians value the arts, creativity, etc., however, with just the right mix of spiritual and secular, Postmodernism somehow manages to create a fantastic form of heresy which has not been felt so strongly since Ante-Nicene times.
In many ways we are transitioning away from the "modern" values of rationalism, science, dogmatism, individualism, pragmatism, capitalism, nationalism, compartmentalism, and veneered religiosity; into this "feel-your-way-around" world of Postmodernism. Some churches have begun to adopt this stance, resulting in a shallow, emotionally-based religion.
And while some root for these results (i.e., the fact that much of the world is now "spiritually-minded"), as Rushdooney once preciently observed: "Most religions are not theistic at all."

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